Every new update that Google implemented
into its ranking algorithm affected more or less websites, causing them
to lose positions in SERP, or sometimes (rare cases though), to
suddenly rise into rankings, causing a massive wave of incoming organic
traffic. As Google says, "Content is king", but however, there are other
elements to keep in mind when dealing with content. As being said
above, it is critical to take advantage of the possibility of analyzing
websites that were affected by the different changes in Google's
algorithm. This way you can optimize your future website or blog in such
way that it won't suffer damage or you will be able to modify and adapt
your current website to suit the demands of Google's updated algorithm.
is no certain way of telling which websites will be affected first by a
Google update, so thus it is a bit difficult to select an online
platform as your target for analysis. However, advanced SEO marketers
develop their own testing websites, which are on purpose driven into
trouble regarding search engine optimization techniques, so they can see
how the new changes in the algorithm are affecting the websites. There
is also another way of relatively finding out what will be the impact of
major algorithm updates right before they are launched; keeping an eye
on Google's official channels of information can prove to be an useful
habit, as many times information regarding which websites and how will
they be affected by oncoming updates will be revealed.
advantage of the algorithm updates as for example the Google Panda
update it is all up to the SEO marketer optimizing the website or the
webmaster. To give a practical example, a person who owns a relatively
new blog fulfilled only with high quality content should've focuses on
promoting his blog right after the update, when the competition might
have been weakened. As you can see, taking the chance and noticing the
benefits from what might seem to be a disastrous update for other
marketers, is part of the job of a webmaster. Learning how to deal with
Google updates requires time, but getting knowledge from other's
mistakes will save you valuable hours, days, weeks and even months.
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