Search engine spiders will come visit you if you update your website.
The more you update, the more they will come for a visit. This is good
because their visit means that your website shall be upped in the search
engine rankings.
* Also, if you keep updating, the users will be
attracted to your website more. This is because people like to know what
is new with their favorite websites and products. You must give them a
reason to return more often.
* Also, your originality will come in handy
in making the search engines appreciate you more. If they gauge that
your website's major portion is copied or similar to another, then you
will be punished. Google does that by ignoring you. There is no bigger
punishment, if a top ranking is what you had aimed for.
* An
original and living content would reflect how serious you are for your
business and your ideas and products. Do not disappoint your users. Make
a good impression by being sincere and dedicated towards your business
and showing it through an informative, creative and original content
that you constantly share with them.
* Even the links that refer
to your site or that you incorporate in your site would be more
effective if you update your information regularly. An old site would
not generate interest unless the content is an authority on some concept
or idea.
* If you must make changes, then at least make sure that
you are not doing that just to please the search engines. Only the
changes that are made in the important areas of the website would get
noticed. Also make sure that large part of your website's content is
changed at least yearly. You can also add a brand new page. Fresh and
original content would invigorate your website, renew the interest of
users and search engines alike.
Do not let your website decay. You
must treat your content as a powerful tool to target new users every
time and also keep up the interest of the existing ones. So, go for
freshness in your content and see the results for yourself.